The Butterfly Effect
Hello, we are here to give suggestions about some of the lesser known
movies which were written and directed beautifully and a must see for movie
buffs. These movies might not have good IMDB rating but trust us you are going
to like these. So today we are starting with one of our favorite move that is “The
Butterfly effect”
If a movie is not letting you to blink your eyes. Hold your breath, not letting
you to take bathroom breaks, bite you nails, it would be the best movies you
can thought of. “The butter fly effect” is one of those movies.
If you get a chance to rectify your biggest mistake what will you do? You
will take it. But do you know what will that lead to? Exactly. This is what the
movie is all about.
A kid having black out problems when he comes to his senses he doesn’t
remember a single thing what happened. In love with a sweet little girl who was
there just because of him. They both eventually finds themselves in the middle
of a life changing event. After which his mother took him out of that town
leaving the girl behind with a promise that he will return one day. His doctor
asked him to maintain journals to keep a tack of his black outs. Time passes by
and his childhood memories faded and his black out problem cured.
One day in his college days he found all his journals and started going
through it. While reading his world started shaking and everything looked like
a dream. He was dreaming about the time when that black out happened and
suddenly he started remembering what happened at the time of those blackouts or
we should rather say, reliving the exact movement. In midst of that dream he
did something different, he by mistake put cigratte ass in his shirt the cigarette
ash burns his shirt and his skin too. When he wakes up he finds the exact spot.
And after 2-3 such events he started connecting the dots. He wanted to change
the outcome of the actions and that is where the whole story begins. His preset
changed accordingly, and it was not for the good whatever he tried it resulted
into something worse. He wanted to save her and whatever he tried one way or
the other way hurt her and his friends.
The movie gradually proceeds with all the permutation and combinations he
can try bringing us to the very 1st scene, the mental asylum where
he was taken because he started behaving nuts because only he can do feels and
see what no other can. In that mental asylum he find his old tapes because he
did not have his journal he needed his notes. Not sure whether those tapes will
work the same way as the journals did. Then also he wanted to try. So he sneak
into the warden’s room to see those tapes. And there he find his very first video,
his very 1st video of hers. So he goes back to that time as to push
her apart by saying that he hates her. And there what all thing ended.
This movie gives us a message that the course of time cannot be corrected
easily. Whatever is happening is happening for the best.
You need to watch it , to actually sense the excitement.