Cast: Vera Farmiga; Peter Sarsgaard; Isabelle Furhman
One of the most intriguing movie from the very beginning (alternate endings available) that we have seen. Even though this movie has IMDB rating of 7.0, but it surely deserve more recognition for its plot, drama, story, direction and most importantly its acting, than what it has received.
The movie starts with a dream, a terrible dream where a mother dreamsthat she is giving birth to a still born. When she wakes up, she realizes it was not only a dream, it actually happened. She visit psychiatrist to ease her off the pain. For the same reason she and her husband decides to adopt someone though they already have a baby girl, who is deaf and dumb and a cute boy.
For adoption they visit an orphanage where they meet a little girl, Esther,who is quite a mature for her age. They instantly liked her and decide to adopt and bring her home. But there is something eerie about Esther(little girl) that strikes the mother. Her mother proposes to teach her piano and she accepts, 1st day she makes many mistakes while playing the piano and the very next day she plays Piano like a pro. She keeps her room locked all the time which again made her Foster mother uncomfortable.
Her dressing style was also very different she always used to wear ribbons around her neck and wrist all the time. Her classmates also teased her because of the same thing but one day while playing in the park, she pushed one of her classmate who use to tease her and broke her leg cold blooded. But when asked, she answered that she was playing and it was an accident. Her mother discussed this thing with the sister of the Orphanage from were Esther came. And this is where things starts to shape up.
Hearing from her mother the sister (Nun) also got worried and enquired about Esther, she came to visit the family too. She brought some news regarding Esther unusual character and weird coincidences like she is the only survivor of the last adoptive family of hers. Esther having eavesdropping on all this started planning something big which no-one could have ever expected, she plans to kill the Nun.
On one side her mother was thinking she is a disturbed child suffering from “Character Disorder” But nobody could have ever imagined the real reason behind her behavior and what she was capable of.
By reading the above story in a nutshell if you are trying to guess the end, our advice would be not to waste your time in doing so because all your guesses are going to incorrect
If you all are hard core thriller fan and love suspense, being on tenterhooks, then this is one of the best movies for you. So our recommendation for this week would be “ORPHAN”
SM Movie Geeks
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