Manpreet Khurana

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Lesser Known Movies you must watch - 10

The Man from Earth

Cast: David Lee Smith, Tony Todd, John Billingsley (lot of star war supporting actors

We are into our 10th Movie guys and we would like to thank you all for your support and viewership in making this blog a success and letting it run this long. We will keep on giving you the best unseen movies that would entertain you, surprise you, make you emotional, make you laugh insanely, drive your mind crazy.

This movie is very close to my heart only because of its share elegance in story telling with a bunch of characters in a small room and the sequence in which it runs. It’s a 90 minutes science fiction dram film with a mere budget of 200,000 USD (1/5 of a million) and was shot with 2 camcorders because the director never thought it to be release on a grand platform.

This movie is about a character named Professor John Oldman who is leaving for his new home after spending 10 years at his current place (although none of this is explicitly mentioned but you would know instantly once the story begins). His colleagues and friends show up for a sort of a farewell party to his surprise. Amongst his colleagues we have a history professor, a biologist, an anthropologist, a historian, a psychiatrist and an archaeologist. When his colleagues request him to tell them reason for his sudden departure, he reluctantly reveals that he is a caveman who is been living on this earth for around 14000 years and now he relocates after every 10 years to hide his identity and let people not identify that he is not aging.

Now there are two ways, either you guys can directly jump to a movie if you have already gained interest in the plot because believe me it will be interesting afterwards, or there might be some spoilers below as our protagonist would be revealing and discussing about some identities from pre-historic era which will make you believe in him. So, will leave it up to you.

Moving on, when his colleagues doesn’t believe in his story, he starts revealing how he belonged to the Mesopotamian civilization and then traveled to east instead of south and became disciple of Gautama Buddha. He how he befriended Van Gogh who gifted him one of his original paintings. His colleagues still struggle believing him bringing in their field expertise to prove him wrong. The biology professor doesn’t believe that a human body can survive for this long. The Archaeology professor doesn’t believe in the events that John is trying to explain. The Psychiatrist threatens him with a gun asking him if he ever felt guilty of outliving someone he loves and left the scene due to his wife being dead on the very previous day after diagnosed with Cancer (Later revealed). The discussion turns to religion and where he tells them reluctantly that he has been a famous character in Christianity (We are not revealing that for you). The story goes on and on where he is making his colleagues realize that he might be someone who he claims.

Will they finally agree to him or is the entire story a faux / prank and if yes, it must have been a good prank.  To know about the same, we would recommend this movie for you for this weekend.

SM Movie Geeks

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